God: A new Understanding

Many people have been raised and trained to believe that God is something that is only defined by a holy book – which in fact was written by men. Also, that the only way to “Seek & Understand” God is through said book, affiliated (pre-approved) writings, and in a building. So, at first, they indoctrinate you to see what seems a very good and loving God. As you get older you start hearing rather scary and some rather disturbing stories, told by someone teaching you what they were taught. When you become an adult and decide to read it on your own outside the building or away from readers and teachers, you really see that the god in that holy book is violent, intolerant, quick to anger, and just about damn near impossible to please. If you are one of those that went off on your own, you may try to ask questions of the teachers. They give you the answers they were taught or “learned” on their own through studying the ‘sacred texts’. Some people by this point have been taught to not question and accept what their teachers tell them. So, they carry on. They even raise their children in the same way they were, sharing a very dark god indeed. The others that did not question their teachers or didn’t accept the answers wind up horrified and alone. They seek other doctrines to quell their sorrow, which regretfully turn up other dark tomes. Some go into them and the rest forswear religion and at times God as well.


My personal path took me towards Wicca at first. The view I was given was nice and I liked it. But soon, I felt that even that wasn’t for me. Since I really could not look at all of Creation around me and disbelieve, I turned to Deism. It is a simple idea – A Creator set all of Creation in motion and allowed it to develop from there but did not interact with its creation. I took to it as it provided comfort from the crazed killing god of the religions. Naturally after so many years of teaching that other view pops up in the back of your head and tries to lure you back to the fold. Or maybe what was talking into your mind was trying to tell you that there are other paths to seek God. You also have many well-meaning friends and family that try to convince you that you need to return to that which you escaped. Sadly, some do fall back into it, because they fear death and the afterlife. Regretfully I didn’t realize that that “voice” was telling me to seek God on my own. Not to follow what others tell me to do, via ‘holy writings’.

So very recently a good friend was talking with me and presented a new way for me to look at God. Don’t look at God through the lens and filter of religion, but apart from all that. Also use logic and you’ll realize it leads to towards the correct path. If God is love, then how can he be violent and hateful the way those religions present him? He can’t. When you yourself learn to see your own ability to love others, you see that it is not limited or requisite on certain boundaries. You love your parents and even if you have a “falling out” where you don’t talk any more, you still love them. Likewise, when having children, you love them unconditionally. They could commit crimes, or the unspeakable murder and you’d still love them. So why do we put God at a distance that is very next to impossible to reach? God can’t be so limited and be that which is presented in those books. That god is capable of such violence and anger, that he willingly kills those that don’t appease him. That is not love, and that is most certainly not God.


Be of Love and share love with others, even those who are not kind to you. Not easy by any means, but a worthy goal to aim towards. I have a long road to travel but one I hope to make it down. I also hope not to hurt others on that road.

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