Posted tagged ‘Deliver us from Evil’

Deliver us from Evil

March 19, 2012

So last night Nat Geo had a special on about the Holocaust, and in it they were showing an album that was delivered to the Holocaust Museum in D.C. The album shows Nazi’s doing regular things, and laughing and smiling. The commentators were explaining that the album depicts these Nazi’s as people rather than monsters. That they had no horns or pointy tails, like you would expect from monsters doing what they did. I do not know what fantasy world those people live in, but monsters in reality come in only one form; ours. No, those Nazi’s were not regular people. Just because they were shown having a good time, smiling or partying; does not make them regular people. They were monsters! No regular person would behave like that or condone such actions.

I find it also ironic all these shows can talk about the Holocaust, but rarely touch on the subject of the brutality of Stalin, or Mousilini, or others in that same time period. Hitler was vicious, but so were the others. There ought to be documentation of every wicked government on the Earth no matter when or how small. Humanity can be the most cruel being around. It also can be the most loving and kind as well.

Now the point of this post is, where is god? I have only ever been to a few churches and in each the prayer is spoken with these words “…and Deliver us from Evil..”, so I have to wonder again where was god? Over One Million Jews were killed viciously by the Nazis during WWII. These are “god’s Chosen People”, yet where was he during this? Surely they were calling out to him to “deliver us from evil”. Yet they were not; they were separated from family members, humiliated, experimented on and then killed.

As I said earlier, Stalin would slaughter many of his own people. They would be dragged from their beds in the middle of the night, taken out and shot. “deliver us from evil” Where was he then?

Men who walk in to a busy market center and push a button that detonates a bomb they are wearing, kills many people and injuries scores more. These same type of people hijack planes and ram them into buildings. They slaughter their own people for no other reason than because they believe differently. “deliver us from evil” where was god then?

For thousands of years in Africa warring tribes would kill one another, and destroy neighboring villages. A strong tribe would prey on a weak one, kill many then sell the rest to greedy white men for slavery. “deliver us from evil”. Where was god then?

A vile man comes across a woman walking alone, uses his strength to over power her and rapes her while she screams out to god for help. “deliver us from evil” A father feels dishonored by his daughter and kills her in what is labeled “an honor killing”, and she is also calling for help. “deliver us from evil”, where was he then?

That is from some things I have seen in my life, others have seen far worse and also ask the same thing: Where is god in all this? But if you read the Bible you see far worse things than what man has done. God has done many a terrible thing: Click to see. It was these things that turned me from Christianity, not a church, or actions of one or two individuals. And not just the incidences listed above, no I left because of what I read. I have had some tell me that the Bible is merely metaphorical and not to be taken literally. Others have told me that the the bible is literal and truthful. Either way I cannot see following ANY religion that teaches such violence and hatred. And I also cannot see how so many willingly overlook it themselves. Of course that may be because those people have not read the entire book themselves, only listened to sermons on Sunday. Most preachers/priests leave out the horrors of what god did.

Thus it is easy for me to see why so many people are turned off by religion period and become Atheists. I cannot myself look around at nature, the universe, and believe there is no intelligence behind it all. That is why I am Deist, I believe in a creator, but not one that has ever interacted with people. Just one that set things in motion and let things be, left it to us to decide how to take care of creation and each other. Thus far we are doing rather poorly at the job.

Mostly the reason I am still saddened by not being in a church is because that is how we are taught; to rely on that group mentality, of unity and fellowship.  We are asked to read the bible, yet few do. Why should they read, they have someone they trust to tell them what they need to know. Yet it is this same person who leaves out the cruelty of god, the insanity of his rules.  I don’t believe, because I am one of those few who read the bible (granted not all of it) and just could not condone the actions of that god.